Wednesday, January 25, 2012

        I lost three pounds this morning! A total of four pounds in two days! I'm so glad all of these hunger pains and cravings are worth ignoring. Hopefully I keep losing, although I am definitely not expecting to be losing two pounds on a normal day. I don't want to get my hopes up so I won't get disappointed stepping on the scale. Today was pretty good, the fact I lost weight made the hunger pains more manageable. Since I can only have two meals a day, lunch and dinner, I find that I start to feel tired and weak in the mornings. When lunch time is approaching I hover by the kitchen waiting until I can put something in my tummy. This week is a huge adjustment for me and it's taking its toll on my body. I feel weak sometimes, like I want to sit down and go to sleep. My body needs to get used to the 500 calories a day. I've also been kind of irritable today, mostly this evening though. As I sat down at the table to eat my dinner of spinach salad, my family was also eating their meal of delicious looking pasta and bread. I found myself getting resentful that they were taking second and third helpings of their meal when I just wanted a bite. At least I was able to resist the temptation. Sometimes I wonder if I can really make it through the round without cheating. The thought of cheating scares me because I know that if I cheat once I will keep cheating. Food wise today was a hit and miss. For lunch I ate a piece of the bbq chicken and broccoli. It was super yummy! I realized that I love broccoli because the stem almost has a buttery flavor to it without the butter. For dinner I made spinach salad with homemade dressing. To make the dressing I put in white vinegar, braggs liquid aminos, water, stevia, mustard, and ginger. It had a spicy asian flavor. I also topped off the spinach with shrimp I had grilled on the foreman grill. The shrimp were okay, not worth the time I spent de-shelling and de-veining. They really shriveled up too which was a bummer. Oh well, I'll have to look for better shrimp recipes and shrimp that is already ready to be cooked. 

BBQ chicken and broccoli

Spinach/Shrimp Salad


  1. Tessa, Keep up the great work..It seems hard at first..but honestly I never really had any hunger pains..I was never a breakfast eater to begin with so I would eat a normal lunch then dinner is when i would have my meat, veggie, 4 melba crackers then I would have my two fruits for a snack after that..It does get easier..I am starting round 4 of hcg..I have lost over 120 pounds and have been able to maintain the 5 weeks I am off during maintenance...if you go to scale it down on FB they post recipes every so often or ask them for recipes..that is where I do my diet.and they are a great group of people.. this is their page..Good luck and find me on facebook if you have any questions..or leave a comment on scale it downs page..

    1. Wow! That is so amazing and inspiring! I hope I can be as successful as you are! I will definitely go there because I always want new recipes. :) thank you!
