Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trying To Get Back On Track

     The past week has been extremely difficult both physically and emotionally. I had one day where I just broke down. I was so distraught at not having lost anything, in fact I had gained back a pound. Saturday was the hardest day of this diet. I cried because I felt like a failure. For some reason I thought the diet would get easier as it went along. I thought I would see the pounds melt off and be even more determined to stick to it. When I hit a plateau and it didn't seem to make a difference whether or not I cheated, I was so upset that I committed my worst cheating offense. I ate a piece of white bread (I know, couldn't even grab the whole grain) with peanut butter AND cocao nutella. The only upside is that the peanut butter was no sugar added, but I'm sure the nutella made up for it. Even though it tasted glorious at the moment, I felt like even more of a failure afterwards. The regret was immediate. I decided to finish the diet early before I disappointed myself even more. Well, obviously I haven't. After feeling the regret and looking at myself in the mirror I realized that I started this diet to feel better about myself, not to see how quickly I can lose weight. Sure I have cheated four or five times, but I am only human and I can't beat myself up over past mistakes. I am moving forward for the full 45 days and I am determined to make the most out of my last 2 weeks. Since going back to this positive mindset and leaving the peanut butter behind, I have lost two pounds. One of them was due to gaining, but I feel as though I am back on the right track. At least I hope so. I want to lose as close to thirty pounds as possible. So far I have eighteen down and this marks my 30th day. I don't expect to lose twelve pounds in fifteen days, but I have to strive for the best results and hopefully I can come close to it.
    My biggest fear coming from this diet is the prospect that I will immediately gain all the weight back and then some. I've been spending a lot of time researching healthy eating habits. I am slowly but surely coming up with a dietary plan to follow for the rest of my life to ensure that I don't get back to where I was. I will write a post dedicated to my nutrition choices in the future after I figure out the details. Another task I have been pursuing is finding a gym or exercise routine to follow. I know that to lose the remainder of my weight I want to eat healthily and exercise since I will have to keep that lifestyle anyways. My goal is to not have to go on the hcg diet again, but I guess I will find out in June whether or not I do a second round. I just want to know that it is possible to lose weight and keep it off through good nutrition habits and an active lifestyle. The hcg has been my starting tool. I'm glad I decided to try the hcg diet and glad to know it is working for me, even if it isn't as effective on me as it is on other people. I've still lost eighteen pounds, and I am proud of that. Two more weeks, I have to stay on track!


  1. It is possible to lose what weight you still want to in the amount of time you have left..I too do childcare and know of the temptation when you are making them sucks i know it also could be the things you are eating..because there are so many sites that tell you what you can and can't eat and they are misinformed..some people i know are not even on the true HCG..the real HCG has only two ingredients..the hormone and take a look at yours as well..and since you did not have that much to lose it might take a little bit longer as well..I follow this menu plan of foods.. i know how discouraging it can get..I am on my 4th round and not doing great and we realized because I did not give myself enough time on maintenance..where i buy from they have not had anyone go over 3 rounds so I should have waited more than 5 i will give it another week and possibly stop for longer then restart round 4 again...what a pain but so worth it in the end..i was hoping by summer to be wearing shorts for the first time since grade school heck i was happy when i was able to buy jeans that had a button and zipper rather than elastic lol..cant imagine the feeling when i wear shorts..but your doing great..we all have our moments of just pick yourself up and dont beat yourself up about it and just move happens..we are human and can only take so you the energy level is so amazing..I was like a whirlwind around the and straightening constantly..was freaking my husband but i love that energy..i love that feeling of walking up a hill and not even having it phase me or get me winded..your doing great..keep it up :)

  2. to answer the second half of your blog yes, its possible to maintain your weight..its amazing what the hcg does to your metabolism..I eat mostly what I want when i am off the diet..just keep weighing yourself daily..and if you gain that pound then you know most likely what you ate..typically i knew if i was going to eat something totally bad for me that night..all day i would stick with adkins diet regime..then eat what i wanted for dinner..just take out most carbs from your daily life..and you will realize you do not gain...i weight myself everyday its a habit..and if i gain i watch what i eat the next day and its usually gone the following day..good luck during your maintenance time..
